Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why Dr. Dre says, "F-ck the Police"

Last night I picked up my friend from the airport after class. The only thing "bad" about living near LAX is everyone asks you to pick them up from the airport all the time. I definitely don't mind giving female friends or family members rides to and from the airport, but if a male friend asks me to pick him up or drop him off, I always think of that scene in"When Harry Met Sally" in the back of my mind...

Harry: You take someone to the airport it's clearly the beginning of a relationship. That's why I have never taken anyone to the airport at the beginning of a relationship.
Sally: Why?
Harry: Because eventually if things move on and you don't take someone to the airport, I never wanted anyone to say to me, "How come you never take me to the airport anymore?"

...I'm sure that any self respecting shrink would anaylze this and say that this is characteristic of my OCD or commitment issues or whatever, but I digress. As I drove to the airport at 10PM on Monday night, I made the mistake of thinking that this would be an easy ordeal. Wrong. I was crammed in traffic like a fat kid in a wet suit and couldn't get to the Airtran pick up point for the life of me. So my friend calls me to tell me where he is, and I, like a normal person, answer my phone. RIGHT after I pick up my phone, this Asian po-po starts beating on my passenger window with his freaking flashlight and yells, "NO SER PHONE NO MAH!!!!!! GET OFF SER PHONE!!!!"

Rude, rude, rude.

I understand that cops aren't notorious for being as chipper as little girl scouts, but I am still completely shocked at the cultural differences out here. I've had my fair share of run ins with pigs, but I've never had one beat on my car window with a flashlight and yell at me for something so incredibly retarded. People told me that I'd experience culture shock, but until this point, I had not encountered anything worth getting really offended over. I immediately hung up on my friend. Then, this little uniformed dork walked to the back of my SUV and checked out my plates and gave me a mean look and shook his flashlight against my window. I rolled my window down a little bit and told him I was sorry and then started to drive off. Then I made the universal jack off hand gesture. This was completely uncalled for and immature of me. I blame it on part time Tourette's Syndrome. Two taxi drivers saw me do this and yelled at me, "GET OFF YOUR F-CKING CELL PHONE!" I'm sorry. What is this? The anti-cell phone gestapo? I wasn't even on my cell phone anymore when they yelled at me. And what's up with the F-word? I mean, really. Was being on my phone to figure out where my friend was at the AIRPORT worth yelling the F-word at me? It's not like I was ordering Mary Kay through T-mobile. I was trying to pick up my friend. At the airport. Like a normal person. I do not understand. People are ridiculous. I think they should start pumping Lexapro into the water. Now, don't get me wrong, here. I have a raunchy mouth. I was recently dubbed as"Barbie with a bad mouth," which is probably a pretty accurate description, but I don't think I'd yell the F-word in someone's face just because they were on their phone at the airport. I wasn't driving wrecklessly or being crazy. Sigh. Some peopel are just dicks.

So. I always thought that it was little bit harsh for Dr. Dre to say "F-ck the po-lice," but now I get it. Asian airport policemen at LAX are rude and angry a-holes. AND they clearly they need to purchase some Rosetta Stone DVDs to learn how to effectively speak English. It is CELL phone, not SEEEEER phone. Sheesh. Rush order of tricyclics to Officer Mao Tse-Tung, please. Thank you. That is all.



what an encounter, never have I heard such a thing only you Miss Rachel..only you;) lol..

RayHay said...

i was so mad at that man!